About us.

Reklaimed is a 501c3 nonprofit organization based out of Austin, Texas. Our mission is to help individuals in recovery build community and develop a sense of purpose through learning skills and being of service.

We provide opportunities to learn skills and meet like minded people through our various woodworking and visual art offerings.

We currently offer access to woodworking and visual arts through our workshops, meet ups, internships, and pop up events at local recovery centers. These offerings are designed to support the addiction recovery community by providing a platform for connection and an opportunity to learn new skills. Check out our community page for the latest up to date information.

Our goal for 2023 is to continue to expand our offerings and grow our community.


In 2022 we met what felt like a lofty goal of successfully setting up a dedicated workshop for Reklaimed. This year, our hope is to expand our offerings beyond woodworking to a broad range of visual arts. To make this possible, we’ve opened up our classroom space to anyone wanting to teach art classes to the recovery community and are willing to purchase materials and equipment if needed.

We give back.

We know first hand that not everyone has easy access to treatment and other forms of support. Thats why we created our “scholarship boards” program designed to make these resources available to more people. We build awesome cutting boards, you donate to get one, and people in need get help.

Our Board:

  • Chris Hudson, MA, LPC, LCDC - Founder - Director of Operations

    Chris founded Reklaimed in 2021 with the hopes of offering the Austin recovery community a new way to connect centered around creativity. Pulling from both his professional experience in the recovery field and background as an artist, Chris enthusiastically manages our shop space, supports our community, and facilitates many of our regular classes and meetups.

    Chris holds a Bachelors Degree in Studio Art from Lewis and Clark College, a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from the Seminary of the Southwest, and is both a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor.

    Outside of his work in the recovery field, Chris can be found enjoying time with his wife and daughter, tinkering with his own artwork and furniture, or scouring the Austin area for new trails on his mountain bike.

  • Laura Jones-Swann MEd., LCDC, EMDR, CDWF - Co-Chair

    Laura has been working in the field of Substance Use Dependence for over 38 years. She holds an MEd., and is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. She currently has a private practice in counseling and is an Assistant Adjunct Professor at The University of Texas Steve Hicks School of Social Work and The Seminary of the Southwest. She holds a strong belif that one size does not fit all in regard to counseling and Substance Use Dependence. She believes in the power of community for healing—which is one of the reasons she chooses to be on the Reklaimed Board of Directors.

  • Elizabeth Bickel Rolfe - LPC-S, ATR, LCDC - Co-Chair

    Elizabeth has been working in the mental health and substance use field since 2011. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, TX. Subsequently, she pursued a master's degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and Art Therapy from Naropa University in Boulder. She is trained in Art Therapy and EMDR. She is passionate about creativity in recovery and finding meaning in creative pursuits.

    During her academic and career growth, she has balanced a personal life that has flourished into a small family. She lives in Austin, TX with her husband, two daughters, and dog Birdie. In their free time they enjoy going on trips, playing, and making art.

  • Ally Flemming

    Ally Fleming - Board Member - Community Support

    Ally Fleming is honored to join the Board of Reklaimed. Ally has been in recovery since 2017 and continuously sober since October of 2019.

    She received an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from St. Edwards in 2016, and has 4+ years of experience in the entertainment industry in Austin, TX. After leaving the entertainment industry in 2019, she began a newfound career path in behavioral health and recovery communities.

    The biggest joy in her life today is watching the women she works with step into their own recovery. She has many interests including spending time with her Great Dane named Lilly, discovering and attending live music events, various creative avenues including fashion and design, and tending to her many indoor and outdoor plants.

  • James Young

    James Young - Board Member - Technology Wizard

    Having gotten sober in 2015, himself, James is a passionate advocate of long-term recovery and the impact of community on its facilitation. With seven years of experience working in the field of recovery, James brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of the challenges and triumphs individuals face on their journey to sobriety. As a tech professional and enthusiast, James is thrilled to lend their expertise in supporting our organization's technological needs, ensuring that our operations run smoothly and efficiently.

    In his free time, you can often find James travelling the country to see his favorite bands, friends and family. He is also a mean cook.